Do you want to get involved in TreesCount 2014? In 2003, Environment Hamilton and a team of volunteers inventoried over 1300 trees in Westdale! This means that we need lots of dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers to help us collect the data for our study. If you don’t know very much about trees, don’t worry. The Neighbourwoods program that we will be using was designed to be used by citizens without extensive tree knowledge.

Some members of the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club have attended the training in Toronto and have hosted training sessions in Hamilton for volunteers. Data collection is now under way, but we are always looking for more help. You can choose the data collection sessions that work with your schedule, and new volunteers can receive training on-site. It's fun and easy, so come on out and help us count some trees!

If you are interested in volunteering for Trees Count 2014, please email for more information, or sign up using the contact form under the Count Me In banner on the right side of the home page.