Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Submit Your Tree Story Before August 19th!

Hamilton's First Ever Tree Story Prize Giveaway!

TreesCount is about more than just counting trees! We want to build appreciation of urban forests and hear your tree stories! Tell us about your favourite tree, why trees are important to you or what you value about Hamilton's urban forest. We'll happily share your tree story on our blog anytime but if you'd like to be entered into a draw to win our tree story prize pack, please submit your stories before August 19th

On August 19th at 6pm we'll be hosting a TreesCount Urban Forest Walk in Westdale with the Hamilton Sustainability Professionals Network and we'll draw a winner from among our tree story submissions that night! 

Our prize pack goodies have been generously donated to the Hamilton Naturalists' Club by a number of local companies and individuals; including Coffeecology, Zenon Bee Inc., John Terpstra and Blue Oak Native Landscapes. We thank them all for their generous support! 

This amazing collection of local goodness is up for grabs! Share your tree story with us!

If you'd like to submit a tree story (and photos!): 
1. Email your story to us:
2. Post your story to our Facebook page: TreesCount
3. Or tweet your short but sweet story and pics and include @TreesCount #treestory 

Either way you submit your story, be sure to include an email address, or contact information so that we can contact you if you win! (One story per Hamilton resident!)

If you'd like to attend our TreesCount Urban Forest Walk: Register via the SPN Eventbrite page. That night I'll be describing the protocol we've been using to measure and assess the health of over 900 trees (and counting!) and presenting some preliminary data about how Westdale's urban forest measures up! Certified Arborist, Kyle McLoughlin, will be taking us on a walk around Westdale and will talk about some current urban forest policy and management issues. All are welcome to attend this event and to join the SPN afterwards for networking at the Snooty Fox!

I look forward to hearing your tree stories!
-- Giuliana